Blog for Christian Families, Parenting, & Marriage

The Importance of Reading Aloud to Kids (and Getting Truth Deep In Their Hearts!)

I didn’t grow up in a reading home, but when I was in the sixth grade my family moved next to a library and that changed everything. I fell in ...

F is for Fall Fun

Fall is my favorite season! I think I’d go in mourning if I ever had to move to an area of the world that doesn’t experience the crisp, cool breezes ...

Prayers for Dads

Prayers for Dads I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes. – Romans 1:16 Lord, by ...

Christmas Traditions That Keep Christ In Christmas

“The virgin will conceive and give birth to a Son, and they will call Him Immanuel” (which means “God with us”). – Matthew 1:23 Every year, as my husband and ...

Celebrate Advent with Your Family: 3 Simple Tips for Celebrating Advent with Children

Advent is coming soon for Christians around the world, but do you really know what Advent is? Advent is the season of waiting for Christmas. It begins on the fourth ...

Keeping Christ in Christmas: 5 Easy, Intentional Ideas

Christ-focused Christmas I was just telling a friend how I haven’t been in a very festive mood. It’s not that I don’t like celebrating, it’s just that my kids have ...

6 Ways Our Kids Can Learn to Live in Joy

If you’ve been a parent for very long, you know how your heart beams when your children play nicely with one another. You could be enjoying this harmonious bliss of ...

Don't Carry Your Burdens Alone: 5 Scriptures That Address Key Issues Teens Face Today

I have three teen daughters and one more who is right on their tail. I’ve also raised teen sons into adulthood. (Quite a feat!) During the teen years, there are ...

5 Powerful Prayers to Pray for Your Kids from Head to Toe

Editor's note: How do you pray for your kids? What prayers for them will be effective? If you want to pray for your children, praying for them from head to ...

The 5 Most Important Lessons to Teach Kids from the Bible

Let’s face it, sifting through what’s truly important in life is not an easy task. As Christians, obviously we want our kids to grow up to not only believe in ...

12 Tips for Helping your Child Memorize Scripture

Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous ...

The Practice of Praying to a God Who Listens

Editor's note: Hey, parents, ready or not, the school year is upon us! It's time to shop for back packs, school supplies, and prepare to pray our way through the ...

Counting It Joy

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy ...

How Long, Lord?

Editor’s note: This devotion is helpful for all of us in a season of waiting and hurting. But, notably, April 23-29 is National Infertility Awareness Week. Today, let’s pray for ...

Your North Star

Your relationship with your children... is determined by the law of the harvest, not the last-minute urgency of the final exam . ~ Parenting, p. 5 Welcome Before satellites and GPS, ...

Telling the Easter Story and Jesus' Resurrection with Eggs

It’s been a tradition in Christian families for years to us plastic eggs to teach children the meaning of Easter and the story of Jesus’ resurrection. While there are many ...

Free Resources

Free Online Bible Study by Max Lucado

Free Online Bible Study by Max Lucado

Are we living in the end times? Join the FREE Online Bible Study with Max Lucado and discover that for followers of Christ, the best is yet to come. Plus, get access to 6 study videos, and other Bible study resources - all free when you sign up! Study starts 10/21.